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Items filtered by date: December 2022

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 00:00

Swollen Feet and Foods to Eat

Swollen ankles are often caused by excess fluid. The medical term for swollen ankles is called edema, and it represents fluid that is trapped in the feet and ankles. There are methods that can be implemented, which may help to eliminate edema. Reducing sodium intake, in addition to eating grapes, beets, pineapples, and green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamin B, and are recommended for this purpose. Additionally, research has shown the importance of incorporating herbs in your dietary habits, such as bilberry and dandelion, that may help to reduce swollen feet and ankles. Many people enjoy getting massages that can release excess bodily fluid, and diuretics may be prescribed that can temporarily relieve swollen feet. If you have this condition, it is suggested that you consult with a podiatrist who can determine the reason why you have swollen feet, and offer correct treatment options.

Swollen feet can be a sign of an underlying condition. If you have any concerns, contact the foot specialists of Certified Foot Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Swollen feet are a common ailment among pregnant women and people who stand or sit for extended periods. Aging may increase the possibility of swollen feet and patients who are obese often notice when their feet are swelling too. There may be medical reasons why swollen feet occur:

  • Phlebitis - A condition that causes the veins to become inflamed and can also cause leg pain.
  • Liver disease - This may lead to low blood levels of albumin which is a protein. This can cause fluid in the blood to pass into the tissues and several areas of the body can become swollen.
  • Heart failure - When the heart doesn’t pump properly the blood that is normally pumped back to the heart can pool in the veins of the legs causing swollen feet.
  • Kidney disease - One of the main functions of the kidneys is releasing excess fluid in the body. This type of condition can make it difficult for the kidneys to function properly, and as a result the feet may become swollen.
  • Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT)- This is a serious condition where blood clots form in the veins of the legs. They can block the return of blood from the legs to the heart which may cause the feet to swell. It is important to be treated by a podiatrist if this condition is present.

Swollen feet can also be caused by bone and tendon conditions, including fractures, arthritis, and tendinitis. Additionally, there may be skin and toenail conditions and an infection may cause the feet to swell. Patients who take medicine to treat high blood pressure may be prone to getting swollen feet. 

Many patients elevate their feet to help relieve the swelling and this is generally a temporary remedy. When a podiatrist is consulted the reason behind the swelling can be uncovered and subsequently treated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Larchmont and Brooklyn, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.


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Tuesday, 20 December 2022 00:00

Buerger Disease

Buerger disease is a condition where the small and medium blood vessels in the arms and legs become inflamed and blocked, resulting in vasculitis. The blood flow is reduced to the affected areas of the body and tissue damage can ensue. Symptoms of this disease include coldness and numbness, in addition to tingling or burning. Changes to the texture and color of the skin may be noticed, along with painful muscle cramps, and skin ulcers. Research has indicated that Buerger disease may be common among tobacco users. Some people might have a genetic predisposition to this ailment, or it can be an autoimmune disease. If you have symptoms of this disease or are experiencing unusual sensations in your lower limbs, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Some foot conditions may require additional professional care. If you have any concerns, contact the foot specialists of Certified Foot Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Rare Foot Conditions

The majority of foot conditions are common and can be treated by a podiatrist.  Standard diagnostic procedures are generally used to identify specific conditions and treatment can be rendered. A podiatrist also treats rare foot conditions which can be difficult to diagnose and may need extra attention and care. 

There are many rare foot conditions that can affect children. Some of these can include:

  • Freiberg’s disease
  • Kohler’s disease
  • Maffucci syndrome

Freiberg’s disease - This can be seen as a deterioration and flattening of a metatarsal bone that exists in the ball of the foot. It typically affects pre-teen and teenage girls, but can affect anyone at any age. Symptoms that can accompany this can be swelling, stiffness, and the patient may limp. 

Kohler’s disease - This often targets the bone in the arch of the foot and affects younger boys. It can lead to an interruption of the blood supply which ultimately can lead to bone deterioration. The patient may limp or experience tenderness, swelling, and redness.

Maffucci syndrome - This affects the long bones in a child’s foot leading to the development of abnormal bone lesions. They are benign growths and typically develop in early childhood and the bones may be susceptible to breaking. 

A podiatrist can properly diagnose and treat all types of rare foot conditions. If your child is affected by any of these symptoms or conditions, please don’t hesitate to call our office so the correct treatment method can begin.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Larchmont and Brooklyn, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Rare Foot Conditions
Thursday, 15 December 2022 00:00

Reminder: When Was the Last Time...?

Custom orthotics, or shoe inserts, should be periodically replaced. Orthotics must fit properly to give you the best results. Protect your feet and ankles!

Tuesday, 13 December 2022 00:00

What Is a Stone Bruise?

Stone bruises are also known as metatarsalgia, and they may affect a wide variety of individuals. Stone bruises can effectively develop on the feet causing significant pain. Stone bruises are defined not so much by what they look like, but by how they feel or what sensation they trigger in the feet. Specifically, people with a stone bruise might feel as though they are stepping on a stone or rock of some kind, or that the stone is somehow trapped in their shoe when they walk. Stone bruises can be treated in a variety of ways. For example, applying ice to the affected area may help to temporarily relieve pain in the feet.  Also, wearing shoes that are properly fitted can help combat the detrimental effects of stone bruises. Contact a podiatrist today if you suspect you may have a stone bruise.

Foot Pain

Foot pain can be extremely painful and debilitating. If you have a foot pain, consult with the foot specialists from Certified Foot Care. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.


Foot pain is a very broad condition that could be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bone Spurs
  • Corns
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Arthritis (such as Gout, Rheumatoid, and Osteoarthritis)
  • Flat Feet
  • Injury (from stress fractures, broken toe, foot, ankle, Achilles tendon ruptures, and sprains)
  • And more


To figure out the cause of foot pain, podiatrists utilize several different methods. This can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatment depends upon the cause of the foot pain. Whether it is resting, staying off the foot, or having surgery; podiatrists have a number of treatment options available for foot pain.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Larchmont and Brooklyn, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Tuesday, 06 December 2022 00:00

Strengthening Ankles and Feet for Surfing

Surfing injuries commonly affect the ankles. Injuries due to surfing are often caused by forceful landings, particularly by new or competitive surfers practicing complex aerial maneuvers. To prevent such injuries, strengthening the feet and ankles is recommended. In addition to preventing injuries, strengthening the lower extremities will aid in improving overall surfing performance. Using a rail-to-rail surf balance board is a way of strengthening the ankles in a controlled way. Standing heel raises are an easy way to strengthen ankles and feet and can be done anywhere. Sand walking also can help increase strength for surfing. If you are a surfer and have sustained a foot or ankle injury or want additional suggestions for preventing such harm, consult with a podiatrist today.

Sports related foot and ankle injuries require proper treatment before players can go back to their regular routines. For more information, contact the foot specialists of Certified Foot Care. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Sports Related Foot and Ankle Injuries

Foot and ankle injuries are a common occurrence when it comes to athletes of any sport. While many athletes dismiss the initial aches and pains, the truth is that ignoring potential foot and ankle injuries can lead to serious problems. As athletes continue to place pressure and strain the area further, a mild injury can turn into something as serious as a rupture and may lead to a permanent disability. There are many factors that contribute to sports related foot and ankle injuries, which include failure to warm up properly, not providing support or wearing bad footwear. Common injuries and conditions athletes face, including:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Plantar Fasciosis
  • Achilles Tendinitis
  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Ankle Sprains

Sports related injuries are commonly treated using the RICE method. This includes rest, applying ice to the injured area, compression and elevating the ankle. More serious sprains and injuries may require surgery, which could include arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery. Rehabilitation and therapy may also be required in order to get any recovering athlete to become fully functional again. Any unusual aches and pains an athlete sustains must be evaluated by a licensed, reputable medical professional.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Larchmont and Brooklyn, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Sports Related Foot And Ankle Injuries

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